Hey! I got some blood work done today. I’m participating in a study at the NIH for people with Hairy Cell so I got many vials of blood drawn today. My numbers haven’t changed much from a month ago which was a bummer. I don’t know why I expected I’d be bouncing back quicker, wishful thinking I suppose. I’ll leave my numbers below, but to summarize, white blood cells and platelets are a little low but not super low, just below “normal/healthy range.” Red blood cells and hemoglobin are in a great place, very healthy. Neutrophils are in the healthy range too.
I have my follow up bone marrow biopsy and CT scan scheduled for July 26 and August 2 respectively. And then on August 9 I’ll meet with my doctor and I’m hoping he will tell me I’m in remission! The bone marrow biopsy is to search for any remaining hairy cells and the CT is to check on my spleen and lymph nodes— to see if they’ve shrunk down to normal sizes. I’ll update the blog as I get more results.
I’ve been feeling fine though! I got a cold a couple weeks ago and had to take some time off work, but I’m feeling better now. I’ve been having a lot of foot pain since treatment and I’m wondering if I have peripheral neuropathy. It just feels like my feet are tired all the time even when I first wake up or haven’t been on my feet a bunch. It gets worse when I am on my feet a lot but it’s pretty consistent now. So I’ll talk to my doctor about it.
Anyway, thanks for checking up on me again! Here are my numbers from this morning:
WBC 3.9, Neut 2.5, RBC 5.35, HGB 16.1, PLT 123